
Performance Assurance Guarantee


Experience Coverage That Delivers Real Protection

As a thirty-year-old company and industry leader, we have built a reputation for offering high-quality products with hassle-free ownership. In the unlikely event that you experience any issues with your Smartop, please contact the dealer from whom the Smartop was purchased. They will submit a warranty claim on your behalf. Please be assured that we will work closely with your dealer to address warranty-related matters.

Three Year Performance Assurance Guarantee (Non Pro-rated)

If the Smartop is found to be unserviceable due to defects in materials or workmanship, replacement parts or a new cover may be provided for a period of three years from the date of purchase. Replacement materials and covers are at the discretion of Leisure Concepts.


This Performance Assurance Guarantee does not include damage incurred by use of the Smartop other than in accordance with printed instructions or product literature provided by Leisure Concepts, or conditions resulting from:

  • Defects in component or part which is not part of the Smartop.
  • Failure to provide reasonable and necessary maintenance.
  • Misuse, abuse, negligence, accident, acts of God, or alterations/repairs other than authorized by Leisure Concepts.
  • Natural fading and minor deterioration.
  • Damage caused by excessive UV ray reflection that may occur from windows, doors, grills, etc.
  • Damage caused by improper installation.
  • The lack of sealing caused by improper installation.
  • This Assurance Guarantee extends only to the original purchaser of the Smartop and terminates upon any transfer of ownership by the original purchaser prior to the expiration of the Performance Assurance Guarantee period.

©2025 Smartop Spa Covers. All rights reserved.

Crafted With Love: DigiCorns